
Family Portraits With Dogs! {Tips for including your furry friends.}

Well, friends, I finally did it.  After years of photographing clients’ adorable puppies, months of scanning every local puppy page, and a couple of weeks quarantined in my home, I finally got a puppy!  What’s that?  You want to see a picture?  Oh, okay.


She already feels like part of the family and I can’t stop taking pictures of her.  I absolutely LOVE it when client bring their dogs to family portrait sessions.  One of my favorite clients, Marilo, likes to do several photo sessions a year with her dogs and I’m not complaining!  Over the years I’ve learned a few tricks and tips for making portraits with dogs run as smoothly as possible.  So if you are considering bringing your furry friend along for your next shoot, here’s my advice:



Bring along a dog handler.

This is a must.  You are going to want a few people pictures without your pup and you want to make sure your pet is safe.  Your handler could be a relative, friend, dog walker–whoever is great with your dog.  If you need them, my kids have often come to my sessions to act as dog handlers.


Bring treats and water for your pup.

Your handler should keep these for you.  I recommend keeping toys at home, though.


Gilbert_AZ_photography_by_Melissa_Maxwell_Jubilee_Family_PhotographyGilbert_Arizona_photographer_Melissa_Maxwell_Jubilee_Family_PhotographyBring your most inconspicuous leash, or color coordinate.

Can you tell in the pictures above that Norman’s bowtie matches his custom leash AND her beautiful green dress?  He always keeps it classy.


Bring a hand towel for wiping drool, mud, pee, etc.




Follow your dog’s cues.

If they’re not in the mood to sit still, take some walking pictures.  If they want to be held, hold them.  Manage your expectations and remember that dogs are cute even when they’re not looking at the camera and smiling.



Start with a walk.

It’s a good idea to arrive early to your portrait session and let your dog get to know the location.  A short walk around the area can also help tire them out and make them calm and happy.


Gilbert_Arizona_photographer_Melissa_Maxwell_Jubilee_Family_PhotographyPets are such a special part of the family and including them in your family portraits is a wonderful way to show it.  I know the idea of getting your whole family prepared for family portraits AND your dog ready can seem daunting, but these tips will make it much easier.

Now if you’ll excuse me.  I have to go clean up some poop.

Jubilee Family Photography

Gilbert Arizona Lifestyle Family Photographer